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Visit New York Chinatown

Penulis : on 29 October 2016 | No comments

Chinatown in the Indonesian language is often referred to as the "Pecinan", an area dominated Chinese people are almost in all cities in the world included in one of the world's largest cities, namely New York. New York's Chinatown is the largest Chinatown in the United States with a population and civilization on the west side of the hemisphere's largest Chinese. Newyork Chinatown is located in Manhattan has two square miles of shops, homes, restaurants Chinese. The population is estimated between 70,000 and 150,000 residents a favorite destination of Chinese immigrants who came to the United States and in recent years there are also citizens of other races and cultures that live there.

A Brief History of New York Chinatown

The Chinese immigrants began living in Chinatown around the mid-eighteenth century and the nineteenth century a growing number of immigrants who moved to Chinatown in New York for various purposes such as joining their families or to seek employment, trade, open businesses including fishing. Chinese miners began arriving in numbers doubled as promised "golden mountain" in California during the gold rush in 1840 ago. They were hired to build the Central Pacific Railroad also during their migration in the 1850s, many immigrants came to work, earn money, and returned to China with a lot of money.
As jobs are falling down like the Chinese railway sector and miners, they began working regularly in the tobacco industry and textile factories. They have to work due to their work with lower wages and longer. The white population at the time of assembly and against the Chinese workers who are considered seizing their work, it makes the Chinese workers began to migrate to the big cities that actually has a chance to work more also more accepted by the people who are already experiencing the cultural mixing. In 1880 has been recorded 300-1000 inhabit Chinese immigrants in New York City included in the slums.

Chinatown supported most of their own people in the face of racial discrimination by creating an internal structure that consists of association governing structure for the community, business, office, medical, items needed everyday, food, and of course: a job. Chinatown has been rising throughout the late nineteenth century, new Chinese immigrants are given a place in the top level of the house until they are independent, this house lined to provide privacy, sometimes for a two bedroom apartment occupied by 5-15 people. In the poor living conditions and cramped, Chinese immigrants slowly continue to grow, continue to arrive even after the Chinese Law issued in 1882 set up to stop the immigration of Chinese people who came to freedom of work. This makes the white population angry because of the willingness of the Chinese people to work with lower wages in poor conditions which, in turn, leaving less work for the white population. Law then set to declare that they prohibit any naturalization by the Chinese who has lived in the United States, and it also means that Chinese immigration was not given a special work permit to work in the United States. Work permits only to individual traders, students, or diplomat. It also prohibits the immigration of wives and children of Chinese workers living in the United States. The action continued to increase in restrictions throughout the coming years. The action was revoked during World War II.

There 40-150 men and 7000 women of Chinese residents of Chinatown, according to rumors in the white community. At that time, according to a Bachelor's Society, said that there opium den of prostitutes and slave women in Chinatown. Because a large amount of discrimination and antagonism of the white community, the Chinese decided to create their own communities, associations, and government in their isolated town. allowing workers unofficially working illegally could just block Chinatown. Chinatown secret government organization is arranging a funeral, opening their relatives, dispute mediation, as well as a number of urgent and important legal matters more for their civilization. Not only do they make this government intact, but they also create actions and laws that protect poor immigrants, though still far from peaceful stay in the early days of Chinatown. No clan members oppose the Chinese people who believe in different faiths, making tourists, Chinatown residents, and residents in the area are afraid to visit Chinatown NYC and surrounding areas.

After such action adaptation of Chinese immigrants, Chinatown began to rise again, they continue to grow, slowly, throughout the 1940s and 50s. Chinese continue to be paid less than the legal minimum wage in terrible conditions for hours to thousands of immigrants looking for work. Chinatown Chinese immigrants mostly come from the mainland, and is known as "Chinese city." Or "Pecinan".
In the late 1960s, immigration quotas were breached create a population booming, Chinese immigrants flocked to Chinatown Chinatown expand even further, taking over part of Little Italy. They will buy the building and the apartments to be converted into a business trade clothing and items using cash. They began to receive foreign investment from Hong Kong, this makes Chinatown became one of the largest and commodities for the necessities of life, immigration, and this starts from small independent society is structured.

Chinatown New York Chinatown Become Largest in US

Building in Chinatown today is the same building that was built over the centuries the eighteenth and nineteenth. Rent several apartments and store fronts in Chinatown are some of the highest levels in the city for their new building is luxury housing throughout their communities. Buildings in Chinatown are now arranged in an orderly and tight together, but the bloc has expanded to add more space to continue to develop Chinatown. New York Chinatown today is home to the majority of Chinese immigrants and the key point for tourists from around the world. Town houses, hundreds of shops, restaurants and markets for residents and tourists who visit.

New York City is not only known as the largest city, but also the most populous city apparently has a Chinese village and there are six locations that can be found in this town. One of the locations that tourists can visit are in Manhattan. If you are looking for a spot smelled Asia, of course Chinatown was the one great place to explore especially in this region is really complete. Various tourism related to culture and history offered in this place, the following are also many Chinese eating house.

The popular statue of Confucius can be found in Chinatown. When Lunar New Year coming or what we call also with the Chinese New Year, then this area becomes very exciting and lively with the festival is part of the celebration. The streets in the township of Chinese but American travelers would be able to feel the atmosphere is different, because every store there looked festive with red color and Chinese writing are sometimes combined with writing English.
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